Thursday, May 13, 2010

new life

10 mei aku dah start blaja..
at methodist acs ipoh..
alhamdulillah aku dpt mnyesuaikn dri kt situ..
wat smentara waktu nie laa..
future xsure lg..
hope i can..
really gratefull to Allah..
coz give me parent yg fhm perasaan aku nie..
dowg slalu support aku..
slalu bg smangat..
tp aku nie kdg2 degil gak..
pe yg dowg suh, kdg2 aku xwat..
n they will start bla bla bla..
mmg sakit telinga..
tp aku suke..
org ckp halwa telinga..
but, pe yg dowg bebelkn tu sumeny btoy gak..
nti kalo dowg dh xde, aku xdpt dgr sume tu lg..
but, pe yg dowg bebelkn tu sumeny btoy gak..

bout new life..
i start my study back as student lower form6..
at methodist acs..
jurusan sains..
subjek de 5 je..
tp tgk syllabus die..
but, i will try my best to get the best result..
kalo org len ley dpt result bgus..
why not me??
i can get it also right??

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lalalaa :)